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HISTORY: Full report on the prequel event that preceded UFC 100 on PPV
UFC 99 is set to air live here this afternoon. If you're watching tonight and want to avoid any spoilers on the event, check back to this report later tonight as the pay-per-view re-airs. For those watching during the day or who want to follow along with the live event, the show starts at the top of the hour. Refresh here throughout the event for round by round results and analysis.
-Cue Gladiator and opening video (with lots of subtitles!), it's time for UFC 99: The Comeback!
-The German crowd looks to be fired up and should be a good one tonight. Mike Goldberg opens the show setting up the main event with Rich Franklin and Wanderlei Silva. He then brings in Joe Rogan, who talks about this catch weight being an excellent weight for both guys.
-The rest of the main card is run down quickly as well.
PRE FIGHT: Davis says he spends a lot of every day thinking about how he much he dislikes Dan Hardy. Hardy drops his "fake Irishmen" line and calls that a gimmick for Davis. Davis says the red and black mohawk and trash talking is the gimmick, not being proud of who you are. Davis says he's going to smash Hardy's face to pieces. The time for talking's done, ladies and gentlemen, it's time to get this started.
ROUND ONE: They feel each other out a bit in the early going. Davis throws a left kick. Hardy comes in with a leg kick of his own. Davis throws another kick to the body. Davis comes in with another big body kick and then he shoots in to Hardy on the cage. Hardy holds off the takedown attempt as Davis tries to trip him. Davis throws an inside knee. Hardy drops an arm and Davis throws a few shots in the clinch. Davis throws a few more shots in the clinch and finally drags Hardy to the ground and he immediately gets the mount. Davis starts throwing some shots and Hardy gets Davis to half guard and then to his guard. Davis tries to posture up for some ground and pound. Hardy throws his legs up for a submission attempt but Davis gets out and gets his back. Davis starts throwing some shots to Hardy from his back. Hardy grabs Davis' arms and tries to transition out. Hardy finally gets out of it and lands a knee as they get back to the feet. They separate with Hardy landing a big elbow. He unloads a few more shots but Davis recovers. Hardy gets the clinch and starts dropping foot stomps on Davis. Davis is cut and he gets another takedown but they get right back up. The round comes to a close in the clinch.
Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Davis. He got the takedowns and did some good ground work. Hardy got in some good damage near the end of the round, though.
ROUND TWO: Left body kick from Davis and Hardy responds with a high kick. He doesn't land it, though. Hardy throws a straight kick and then an inside leg kick. Davis comes in with a leg kick and another body kick. Davis with another body kick and Hardy lands a few shots and Davis responds in kind. Davis gets in a good left hand. Hardy misses and Davis lands the left again. Davis gets a leg kick in. They get to the cage and they start exchanging shots. Hardy comes in with a huge knee that drops Davis but Davis recovers on the ground and pulls guard. Hardy starts throwing shots from the top as Hardy is actively trying to work for something on the ground. Davis grabs an armbar and tries to lock it in. Hardy works out of it nicely and throws a few shots. Hardy throws an elbow and then postures up. Davis throws a few nice shots from the bottom. Davis lands another elbow and the ref stands them up. Davis comes in with a right hand and then clinches on the cage. Hardy grabs the Thai clinch and lands a good knee to the body. Hardy lands a good counter right. Davis lands a huge left hand. Davis then gets a takedown of his own. He starts throwing some shots and then gets to side control. He ends the round throwing shots.
Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Hardy. Hardy did the most damage with that knee but it was really really close there as Davis came back with some big shots and a late takedown. This round was more like it.
ROUND THREE: Davis lands a left early and Hardy goes down. Davis gets down into Hardy's guard. Davis starts throwing some shots. He lands a really nice short elbow. Davis passes to half guard. Davis throws some shots to the head and the body. Davis goes for and ankle lock. Hardy tries to roll out and Davis grabs a heel hook. Hardy rolls out of that again and finally gets back to his feet. Davis clinches Hardy to the cage. Davis throws a few shots. Hardy turns Davis to the cage and then pulls him down to the ground. Hardy lands a big elbow from Davis' guard. Hardy throws a few more left hands and Davis is cut pretty bad. The ref halts it to check the cut. The restart it with Hardy back in Davis' guard. Hardy tries to posture up and land some shots. He lands a few hammerfists. Davis tries to throw some shots from his back. The ref stands them back up with under a minute left. Hardy lands a left hook. Hardy lands a left kick as Davis lands a left. Hardy throws a high kick and Davis misses a shot. Hardy lands a hook and Davis runs in at him and they clinch as the round ends.
Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Hardy. The big elbow and more shots landed from Hardy there I think gave him that round after the first half was taken by Davis. I wouldn't be surprised if Davis took it from the first half, but his face was messed up and Hardy did a ton of damage.
WINNER: Hardy via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
POST FIGHT: Hardy said at this level of competition you need every advantage you can get and the psychological stuff was all leading up to it, but he respects Davis a lot. Hardy said he doesn't need to try to upset people, the mohawk upsets enough people. He apologized for it going to a decision, he said he wasn't planning on it, but Davis is a big guy so "what can you do?"
STAR RATING: (***-) It wasn't what everyone was expecting, but it was still a good, close fight. Hardy landed some really big shots in that fight, as did Davis, but Hardy was the better man on this night.
RAMIFICATIONS: This is a big win for Hardy, and a bit of a setback for Davis. It was close enough that Davis won't be dropped too far down from where he was on the ladder, but this should bring an immediate step up in competition for Hardy from here on out. Very good showing from him here in Germany.
PRE FIGHT: Uno said he knows Fisher's a tough opponent and he'll put everything into the Octagon. Fisher says he has an advantage with how long Uno's been away from the Octagon. Uno wants to prove he's still one of the top lightweights in the world.
ROUND ONE: Fisher immediately comes out and throws a leg kick. They feel each other out a bit after that. Uno shoots in for a single leg and Fisher sprawls nicely. The audio starts going out a bit here. Uno finally pops back to his feet and presses Fisher against the cage. Fisher turns it around and gets Uno's back to the cage with double underhooks. Fisher throws a few knees to the body and they both start exchanging knees. Uno lands another knee to the body. Fisher tries to break out with an elbow but Uno holds on. Uno then gets Fisher's back to the cage. The crowd starts to boo the clinch on the cage. Yamasaki separates them. Uno lands a shot and Fisher misses a couple in response. Uno gets a right shot in and Fisher lands a left. Fisher lands a big leg kick to Uno's right leg. Fisher lands a big right hook in a short flurry.Uno goes for another leg and Fisher sprawls nicely again. Uno grabs a wrist of Fisher and they clinch on the cage again. Fisher throws a few knees and the round ends with the crowd booing.
Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Fisher. Really close round but Fisher landed a few good shots and sprawled on the takedown attempts nicely and overall did more with control. Close round though.
ROUND TWO: Fisher throws an early leg kick and lands a left hand but Uno shoots in and takes him down. Fisher moves to the cage and walks himself back up. He lands a knee to the body and gets himself away from Uno. Uno throws a straight kick but Fisher catches it. Uno shoots in again but Fisher sprawls nicely and kicks Uno in the body as he stands back up. Fisher lands a good leg kick. Uno lands a leg kick of his own. He lnads another and then shoots in again. Fisher sprawls but Uno rolls him out and gets into Fisher's guard. Uno tries to posture up but Fisher is defending well. He pushes Uno off of him and gets back to his feet. Uno clinches him again and fisher lands a knee to the body. Fisher takes Uno's back and Uno tried to roll him over but they stand again. They exchange punches against the cage and then clinch. Fisher tries to throw Uno but Uno lands on top of him. Fisher scrambles again and gets back to his feet. This is such an even fight here right now. Uno tries to throw Fisher down but Fisher again stays up. Uno drops and pulls guard and Fisher lands a few shots including some shoulders to the head. Uno gets to his feet and they clinch to finish the round.
Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Fisher. Even though Uno got a takedown he wasn't able to do much with it. Fisher overall is slightly overtaking Uno but it's extremely close right now. They're almost canceling each other out in every way.
ROUND THREE: Uno immediately shoots after Fisher and they clinch at the cage. He tries to throw Fisher but Fisher throws a few shots and separates. He lands a huge right hand and then a knee. Uno grabs a leg and tries to drag Fisher down. He grabs Fisher's ankles and tries to pull him to his back. Fisher finally works back to his feet. Fisher lands another big knee. Uno again grabs a leg and Fisher holds him off again. He lands a shot to the side of the head as Uno gets back up. Yamasaki separates them from the cage again. Fisher lands a good one two combo. Uno lands a leg kick but slips to his back. Fisher lands a few kicks to the legs of Uno. Fisher lands a huge right hand and then gets Uno to the ground by countering an Uno takedown. Uno gets himself back to his feet. They clinch again and Uno goes for a takedown. Fisher lands a big knee and a few more shots. Uno again drops to get a takedown. He finally gets it and tries to get mount. He starts throwing a few shots and Fisher's in a bit of trouble. Uno starts throwing some more shots and tries to grab a choke. He lets it go and finally gets mount.
Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Uno. Uno takes the round with that last minute. He did more there than either did at any other point of the fight.
WINNER: Fisher via unanimous decision.
STAR RATING: (**) It was a good chess match fight, but both guys really canceled each other out and it was a stalemate at times. They didn't give the judges scores for some reason there, but Uno likely won the third while losing the first two.
RAMIFICATIONS: We'll see Uno back, but it was a good win for Fisher. His takedown defense was very much improved and this is another step up the lightweight ladder for him.
ROUND ONE: Saunders came in and pulls guard right away. Swick starts throwing a few shots as Saunders holds him down. Swick tries to throw more shots but Saunders has his body controlled a little bit. Saunders is just holding control as Swick tries to throw punches as he can. He lands a few body punches that are nice. Swick asks Saunders if he's going to "fu**ing hold him all night" and Saunders responds, "why don't you stand back up, bitch?" More of this stalemate and Swick backs out and Saunders lands an upkick. Swick drops back into the guard and finally they are stood up. Saunders lands a big body kick. Swick stalks him down and lands a few shots but Saunders responds with a big one of his own. They clinch on the cage and Saunders lands a few knees. He gets Swick's back to the cage and throws a few more knees to the body. Knee to the leg from Saunders and Swick turns him around. The round ends in the clinch.
Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Swick. Saunders didn't do anything but hold Swick for the first three minutes. He's going to have to do a lot more than that in this fight.
ROUND TWO: Saunders throws a body kick to start and then a high kick shortly thereafter. Swick comes in with a knee in a clinch and Saunders does the same. Swick trips Saunders up and gets the mount right away but Saunders immediately got back to guard. Swick is getting frustrated from the top as Saunders controls his body well. Saunders throws a few shots from the bottom and then they are stood up. Saunders throws a head kick. They trade shots and knees again. Swick tries to walk Saunders down and he lands a couple shots. Saunders lands a good leg kick and then another knee. Straight kick from Saunders lands. Swick comes in with a huge flurry of punches that takes Saunders to the ground and he finishes him there with the quick hands. The finishing shot was a right to the temple.
WINNER Swick via TKO at 3:47 of the second round.
POST FIGHT: Swick said he wanted to get him tired and then made him feel the power. He gave Saunders credit for being tough. Swick said he wants to fight top guys, he's 9-1 in the UFC now and wants to fight for a title at some point. He thanks his mom for believing in him always while growing up and going through the fight game.
STAR RATING: (**) Weird fight from Saunders there, but a big finish from Swick. I definitely didn't give Swick enough credit into this fight, but those hands are nothing but fast and he's got the power to keep putting guys away.
RAMIFICATIONS: Mike Swick deserves to fight a top guy. Swick vs. Jon Fitch would be an interesting bout for sure. Saunders goes back to the drawing board and is going to need to be much better the next time out.
PRE FIGHT: Cro Cop says he doesn't know if he'll take the heavyweight title, but he'll die trying. He wants to shut the mouth of the people who say he's old or that he's done. Al-Turk says he's going to disappoint a lot of people and pull off the upset of the night.
ROUND ONE: Al-Turk comes out swinging. He lands a right hand and a few leg kicks. He comes for a takedown and Cro Cop threw him off. Al-Turk lands a left hand. Al-Turk misses a left and Cro Cop lands a left of his own. Cro Cop lands another straight left as Al-Turk comes in. Cro Cop feigns the left high kick. Al-Turk lands another leg kick. Cro Cop lands another straight left. Al-Turk again came in with a few punches but they don't land. Straight left again from Cro Cop. Cro Cop pushes forwartd with a huge left. Cro Cop keeps chasing him down with shot after shot and Al-Turk goes down. He recovers and Cro Cop lets him back up. Cro Cop accidentally pokes Al Turk in the eye and the ref didn't see it. Cro Cop keeps throwing shots and lands a few more that finish the fight. Unfortunate finish.
WINNER: Cro Cop via TKO at 3:06 of the first round.
POST FIGHT: Cro Cop said he felt good and was satisfied with his performance. He said it's exactly five months after the surgery. Cro Cop apologizes for the eye poke, it wasn't intentional. Cro Cop grabs the mic and says something to the crowd in Croatian.
STAR RATING: (**) Al-Turk was game, but Cro Cop had him on the ropes even before the eye poke. It was unfortunate that the eye poke played a role in the finish, as Cro Cop was on his way to doing that anyway without it.
RAMIFICATIONS: That fight's not necessarily a sign that Cro Cop is back, but it's a positive step in the right direction for him. Al-Turk may get one more shot in the UFC because of the eye poke, but he also may be on the way out.
-We get the first hype video for UFC 100. Cannot wait for that.
PRE FIGHT: Joe Rogan and Dana White sing Velasquez's praises here. Kongo says this fight will be war, and he will win. Dana says the winner immediately shoots himself to the top of the heap in the heavyweight division.
ROUND ONE: Velasquez comes right after Kongo. Kongo lands a couple of jabs and then rocks him with a big right. Kongo lands another shot that staggers Velasquez and Velasquez shoots in and takes him down. Kongo tries to work out of it and almost gets on top of Velasquez. Velasquez stays on him. Velasquez moves to mount and Kongo gives up his back. Velasquez almost gets a choke in but Kongo gives him the mount again. Kongo moves back to his feet but Velasquez picks him up and slams him down. Velasquez starts beating up Kongo on the ground as Kongo struggles. Velasquez keeps throwing shots and Kongo keeps struggling. Velasquez is completely controlling Kongo right now and throwing shots. Kongo again gets back to his feet but Velasquez picks him up again and drops him. Velasquez gets to mount and Kongo gives up his back again. He gets onto his knees but Velasquez is relentless. Velasquez throws a few more shots as Kongo grabs his leg and tries to move up. Kongo gets back to his feet and lands a knee as the round ends.
Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Velasquez. That was damned impressive after Kongo rocked him that he was able to dominate from then on. Kongo's going to need to find a way to keep this on the ground.
ROUND TWO: Velasquez backs Kongo down right away and lands a few shots. Kongo drops Velasquez with a shot again and starts swinging for the fences but can't land another. He clinches Velasquez against the cage. Velasquez went for the throw but Kongo held it off. Velasquez gets out and takes Kongo down again and Kongo gives up his back. Velasquez throws a knee to the body and a few punches to the head. He starts throwing some more shots to the side of Kongo's head. Kongo has no answer for this. Velasquez keeps throwing shots. Kongo tried to stand up and Velasquez kept him down again. He keeps throwing shots and Kongo tries to stand up and throw elbows. As soon as he gets to his feet Velasquez took him down again. Velasquez tries to get mount again. Kongo throws a nice elbow from the bottom. Velasquez throws another big knee to the body as he's got the back side mount. Velasquez stays on him throwing shots and beating him up. More big knees to the body. Kongo's getting his ass kicked here right now. Another big knee to the body. Kongo's just trying to survive now as Velasquez moves him over and gets side control. He moves back to mount and stays on top as the round ends.
Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Velazquez. Almost an identical round to the first with Kongo dropping him and then getting taken down and beat up.
ROUND THREE: Velasquez comes right out at Kongo. Kongo lands another big shot and Velasquez shoots in. Kongo sprawls and gets Velasquez down but Cain pops back up and gets to the same back side control position on Kongo. Velasquez unleashes shot after shot in identical fashion to the first two. Velasquez keeps throwing shots. Velasquez pulls Kongo to the ground and tries to get mount but Kongo gets himself back to his knees. Velasquez keeps throwing these shots and Kongo gets himself back up. He stuffs a takedown and throws a couple of knees in the clinch. Kongo lands a few shots and rocks Velasquez again and Velasquez gets him down again and gets side control. He tries to trap an arm for the crucifix. He gives that up and gets to the full mount. He lands a good elbow and some more shots in there but Kongo is trying to throw shots from the bottom. Velasquez finishes the round on top throwing a ton of shots to Kongo.
Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Velasquez. More of the same in that round. He couldn't finish Kongo, but he beat the hell out of him for three rounds after taking some big shots of his own.
WINNER: Velasquez via unanimous decision.
POST FIGHT: Velasquez said the performance wasn't good enough for him. He said he could have done better. He said he took those big heavy shots and he said he needs to get tons better. He thanked Kongo for taking the fight on short notice.
STAR RATING: (***) That was an exciting fight in spurts but for the most part was Velasquez beating up Kongo without being able to finish him. He answered the question of whether he had a chin though.
RAMIFICATIONS: I don't think that performance puts Velasquez in line for a title shot, because while he was able to control Kongo throughout, he was rocked by some big shots and against a heavyweight with a better ground game that would have been a different fight. Cheick Kongo's not going to get a heavyweight title shot anytime soon. He was terribly outclassed on the ground and couldn't take advantage when he hurt Velasquez multiple times. Perhaps Velasquez can be lined up against the loser of Mir-Lesnar or even take on Shane Carwin down the line, but he's not ready for a title shot yet, and I think he even was thinking that in his post fight interview when he talked about needing to get a lot better. Give Kongo tons of credit for not giving up in that one, but he was simply outclassed by a phenomenal wrestler. Big win for Velasquez, but he still needs to get better before getting a title shot.
PRE FIGHT: Franklin says he prefers to stay on his feet. He says it's the first time fighting someone who wants to throw down so he's looking forward to it. They run down the reasoning for the catchweight with Rich moving up and Wanderlei heading down. No more, it's time to fight.
ROUND ONE: Rich walks Wanderlei down a bit as they feel each other out. Franklin feigns a right. Franklin goes for a shot and Wanderlei missed a counter shot. Franklin gets in with a straight left. Silva throws a leg kick. Rich gets in with another left. Silva lands a right and Franklin backs out. Franklin comes in with a left and right combo. Franklin lands a body kick and Silva counters with a punch. Silva goes for a high kick that just grazes Franklin. Silva lands a body kick. Franklin lands a big left and then a right and then goes for a body kick. Silva catches the body kick and takes Franklin down. Silva tries to posture up for a shot. Franklin throws a few shots from the bottom. Silva lands a few good ones from the top. Franklin lands a couple of good punches from the bottom and works his way to his feet. Silva tries to hop into a guillotine and Franklin throws him off and gets on top. Rich starts throwing shots from the top and lands a bunch more as Silva works back to the feet. Rich lands a few more shots as the round closes.
Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Franklin. He did a lot more in that round overall with Octagon control and picking shots. Despite the takedown, Rich landed more and hurt Silva in that round.
ROUND TWO: Wanderlei comes forward early here. He throws a high kick and Franklin landed a punch. Franklin went for a high kick and Silva almost caught it. Franklin landed a nice right and Wanderlei got in a body kick. They exchange shots with both landing a couple of solid shots. Inside leg kick from Franklin. Silva gets a good right hand shot. Franklin lands a quick flurry and Silva lands a few shots in response. Rich drops Wanderlei with a right but Silva gets right back to his feet. Silva goes for a high kick but Franklin blocks it. Inside leg kick lands from Franklin. They trade shots with both landing punches to the head. Franklin with a big right hand. Silva lands a good shot but comes in too eager and misses a shot. Franklin lands a good jab. Franklin comes in for another shot. Silva catches another body kick and lands a punch. Silva throws the high kick again. Silva lands a flurry that rocks Franklin. They start swinging wildly. Silva's landing some good stuff here. Franklin buckled again but he recovers to throw some more shots of his own. He slipped on a high kick but Silva slipped too. They end the round with a quick flurry in the last ten seconds.
Penick's Scorecard: 10-9 Silva. Silva did a bunch of damage in that round and had Franklin on the ropes for a minute.
ROUND THREE: They show each other respect to start the third here. They come in and throw bombs at each other. Rich lands a good right. Silva comes in with a big shot. Franklin lands another big punch. Franklin lands a big straight left. He lands a body kick and a left. He barely misses a big left. He lands a good right jab and then a kick but the kick goes low. Silva shakes it off and they restart. Franklin again gets in with a combo. Big flurry again from Franklin as Silva swings wildly and misses. Silva grabs a Thai clinch and lands a knee and then plays to the crowd a bit. Franklin lands a couple more shots. Rich lands a big right. Rich misses a left and then blocks a high kick. Franklin with another good body kick. He lands a right jab. Franklin throws a left and slips. Franklin throws a body shot. Silva runs Rich to the cage and tries to throw a bunch of shots but Franklin avoids nicely. Franklin takes him down. Silva moves himself to his feet and Franklin throws a few shots. Silva throws elbows with Franklin on his back as Rich throws punches and the round comes to a close.
Penick's Scorecard: Franklin 10-9. Silva was throwing wildly but he wasn't landing on a lot of it. Franklin landed his spots and got a late takedown to seal it.
WINNER: Franklin via unanimous decision.
POST FIGHT: Franklin gave Silva credit for being a great warrior and too tough to go down from what he was throwing. Franklin agreed with Rogan that if there was a 195 lb. weight class he'd fight there, but until then he'll stay at 205. Wanderlei mumbles something about the crowd. He says his fans are his victory, and he says they are the reason he's still there today. He says he feels well, and says it's the best event in the world. He mumbles something more about Dana, Lorenzo and Frank as well.
STAR RATING: (***+) That was a high energy, back and forth fight. Both fighters looked really good and both fighters had some shining moments in the fight.
RAMIFICATIONS: Well, if Wanderlei can successfully make the cut to 185 lbs he may be able to continue his career for awhile. This was a win Franklin needed to get back on track and he fought a great fight. He's a fighter that can fight his way back up the ladder for an eventually shot in the deep waters of the Light Heavyweight Division.
-Terry Etim was given "Submission of the Night" on the undercard.
-That's the show for today. Thanks for checking out our report this afternoon (or tonight if you're watching the replay). It wasn't quite up to what many expected the show could be, but Franklin and Silva gave the fans an exciting back and forth main event and Cain Velasquez, Mike Swick and Mirko Cro Cop all had good performances of their own. Stick around for fallout from this show and more as we head towards next weekend's Strikeforce Challengers event and Ultimate Fighter season nine finale. Check back right here on MMATorch.com!
Results: UFC 100 Video Replay, Brock Lesnar vs Frank Mir 2
There were 2 rematches that were hyped. One was between Brock Lesnar and Frank Mir. The second rematch was between Georges St. Pierre and Thiago Alves. Lesnar stopped Frank Mir in the second round on the milestone UFC 100 card Saturday night. Pierre was dominant in defending his welterweight title against Thiago Alves via decision. From the card: Dan Henderson knocked out English middleweight Michael Bisping with a thundering right in the second round. UFC Hall of Famer Mark (The Hammer) Coleman outmuscled light-heavyweight Stephan Bonnar en route to an upset win. Canadian welterweight T.J. Grant (14-3) lost a unanimous decision to South Korean Dong Hyun (Stun Gun) Kim (12-0-1 with one no contest). Alan (The Talent) Belcher lost a split decision to Yoshihiro Akiyama. Play-by-play here. Complete results can be found here. Some video below (Hurry, won't last)
Fun while it lasted: Porsche Panamera Turbo reportedly tops Cadillac CTS-V's 'Ring record
It's been just over a year since Cadillac captured the title of fastest production four-door car when John Heinricy circulated the Nürburgring's north loop with a CTS-V in under eight minutes. Considering the pace of leap-frogging between the Nissan GT-R, Corvette ZR1 and Viper ACR it's a bit surprising that it took this long for someone to top the super-Caddy. What's not surprising is that it was a Porsche that finally outran the CTS-V.
Now that the four-door Porsche Panamera has been thrust upon the world, it was only a matter of time before one the test drivers from Weissach brought the crown back to the fatherland. The 500-horsepower Panamera Turbo lapped the Nordschleife in 7 minutes, 56 seconds, 3 seconds faster than the Cadillac.
When Heinricy set his 7:59 time last year, it was done in an automatic CTS-V in a single hot lap at the end of a test session. With any luck, we'll see Heinricy or perhaps one of the Corvette C6.R drivers like Johnny O'Connell head back to the Eiffel mountains for another go. Label: Car Reviews
Gilligan's Island tech? Coconut oil-fueled, bamboo taxi

Increasing powertrain efficiency is just one area in which vehicles' environmental impact can be lessened. A significant portion of the total energy used to operate the vehicle over its lifetime comes from sourcing and processing raw materials into individual vehicle components, as well as transporting finished vehicles to their end customers.
With this in mind, new taxis based on renewable materials are being built and used
Arturo Gatti Dead-Amanda Gatti Held As Suspect
July 12, 2009
Arturo Gatti Dead-Amanda Gatti Held As Suspect and authorities state that his wife is the main suspect in the murder.
Arturo Gatti, 37, was found dead in a hotel room at the seaside resort of Porto de Galinhas in northeastern Brazil on Saturday morning on July 11th, 2009.
The Gatti’s arrived on Friday, July 10th, 2009 for a second honeymoon with their 10 month old son.
(pic) I have looked all over the Internet and this is the only Photo of Amanda Gatti I could find. Which makes me wonder it if is her…
Brazilian authorities have revealed that Arturo Gatti’s wife, Amanda Rodrigues, 23, is one of the main suspects in his murder. They believe her information about the murder to be inconsistent and sufficient grounds for suspicion.
Arturo Gatti Dead-Amanda Gatti Held As Suspect and Rodrigues-Gatti has told the authorities, that she and her husband were involved in a heated argument on Friday night in a Brazilian bar. She then states that Arturo was drunk by the time they returned to the hotel.
Arturo Gatti was found in his underwear with a wound to the back of his head and marks on his neck, which police beleive came from Amanda purse strap.
Police Reports also indicate that police found a blood stained purse strap, that they believe may have been used to strangle Arturo Gatti.
Ex World Champion Boxer Arturo Gatti was due in New York next week to testify in a lawsuit filed against the New York State Athletic commission by a former boxing opponent, Joey Gamache. This suit resulted from a 2000 fight that left Gamache with permanent brain damage from head trauma, in a flight where Gatti was 19 pounds over weight.
Arturo Gatti Dead-Amanda Gatti Held As Suspect is just the icing to the cake of this horrible death in Brazil.
Artuto Gatti's wife, Amanda Rodrigues in police custody; Gatti was reportedly found strangled

Artuto Gatti's wife, Amanda Rodrigues is now in police custody. She is a suspect following the death and possible murder of her husband Artuto Gatti. Photo: AP Photo/Mary Godleski/file
The AP reported, a spokeswoman for the Pernambuco state civil police says Gatti was apparently strangled with the strap of a purse, which was found with blood stains at the scene.
According to a friend of Aruto Gatti and Amanda, the couple was having problems and were possible going to separate. Acelino "Popo" Freitas told the G1 Web site of Brazil's largest TV network Globo that he was a close friend of Gatti and his wife, and that he "knew they were having some sort of problem and were about to separate.", the AP reported yesterday.
Did Amanda Rodrigues Gatti murder her husband with their child nearby? We will have to wait for the police investigation to find out the answer.
Legendary boxer Arturo Gatti was found dead yesterday in a seaside resort in Porto de Galinhas, Brazil. Arturo Gatti, his wife Amanda and 10 month old where taking a second honeymoon in Brazil when his death took place.
Amanda Gatti photos and mugshots are nowhere to be found online yet. As pictures become available to us, we will post them.
If you are wondering, Amanda is 23 years old and Artuto Gatti was 37 years old.
Source Label: News Report
'Calm voting' in Indonesia election
8 July 2009 07:50am
Indonesians voted calmly in their emerging democracy's second direct presidential election, with the incumbent expected to win a single-round victory on the back of recent economic and political stability.
An unofficial quick count at 2,000 polling stations with a fifth of ballots counted gave President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono 54% of the vote, which would be enough to avoid a runoff in September.
Megawati Sukarnoputri, a former president whose father was the first leader of Indonesia, was second at 24%, with Vice President Jusuf Kalla at 22%.
The preliminary result was based on ballots from all 33 provinces and was conducted by the Indonesian Survey Circle, which has accurately forecast previous elections, and broadcast on the TVOne television broadcaster.
Label: News ReportYudhoyono tipped to win Indonesian election
By Jakarta correspondent Geoff Thompson
Posted Tue Jul 7, 2009 6:21pm AEST
Updated Tue Jul 7, 2009 7:43pm AEST
Hundreds of thousand of police have been deployed across Indonesia ahead of tomorrow's presidential elections and last-minute disputes over voter lists have been settled.
Incumbent President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is widely expected to be re-elected tomorrow with reputable polls suggesting that he could win about 63 per cent of the vote.
That would see him avoid a run-off election in September and also become the first leader in democratic Indonesia to be elected to a second five-year term.
Campaigning with a slogan which translates as "more of the same", the President affectionately known as SBY has benefited from a period of political stability and solid economic growth, even in the face of the global economic crisis.
His administration's attempts to tackle Indonesia's endemic culture of corruption have also won praise.
Apart from an attempt by rivals to make an issue out of whether candidates wives wore headscarves, religious issues have hardly featured in the campaign.
Label: News ReportIndonesia leader set for poll win
Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono appears on course for re-election with a large majority, exit polls suggest. They say he won about 60% of the vote in Wednesday's elections - enough of a margin to avoid a run-off in September. Former President Megawati Sukarnoputri secured about a quarter of the vote, with Vice-President Jusuf Kalla in third place, the polls show. The vote passed off peacefully across the country's thousands of islands. A controversy over voter lists marred the run-up to the poll, amid claims that duplicate names and even the names of dead people were appearing on the electoral rolls. Full official results are not expected for a week or more. 'Flaws' Polls in Indonesia closed at 0600 GMT on Wednesday. Extra police were on standby in the country's easternmost region, Papua, amid fears of a repeat of the recent violence linked to separatist groups.
However, no major problems were reported there or in the rest of Indonesia - a huge archipelago spanning three time zones and some 17,000 islands. But Prabowo Subianto, Ms Megawati's running mate, denounced alleged flaws in the electoral register. He said he did not believe the early count would reflect the final result. 'People's day' This was only the second direct presidential election since the fall of the Suharto dictatorship in 1998, and about 170 million people were eligible to vote. To avoid a run-off, Mr Yudhoyono needs more than 50% of the vote, and 20% in all 33 provinces. "Today is the people's day," he told reporters after casting his vote in the town of Bogor, on Java island. The 59-year-old former general was elected in Indonesia's first direct election in 2004, defeating then-President Megawati. He has been boosted by the success of the economy and a corruption-free image, correspondents say. |
Average employment growth is projected, but job competition is expected to be keen.
Employment change. Employment of lawyers is expected to grow 11 percent during the 2006-16 decade, about as fast as the average for all occupations. The growth in the population and in the level of business activity is expected create more legal transactions, civil disputes, and criminal cases. Job growth among lawyers also will result from increasing demand for legal services in such areas as health care, intellectual property, venture capital, energy, elder, antitrust, and environmental law. In addition, the wider availability and affordability of legal clinics should result in increased use of legal services by middle-income people. However, growth in demand for lawyers will be constrained as businesses increasingly use large accounting firms and paralegals to perform some of the same functions that lawyers do. For example, accounting firms may provide employee-benefit counseling, process documents, or handle various other services previously performed by a law firm. Also, mediation and dispute resolution increasingly are being used as alternatives to litigation.
Job growth for lawyers will continue to be concentrated in salaried jobs, as businesses and all levels of government employ a growing number of staff attorneys. Most salaried positions are in urban areas where government agencies, law firms, and big corporations are concentrated. The number of self-employed lawyers is expected to grow slowly, reflecting the difficulty of establishing a profitable new practice in the face of competition from larger, established law firms. Moreover, the growing complexity of law, which encourages specialization, along with the cost of maintaining up-to-date legal research materials, favors larger firms.
Job prospects. Competition for job openings should continue to be keen because of the large number of students graduating from law school each year. Graduates with superior academic records from highly regarded law schools will have the best job opportunities. Perhaps as a result of competition for attorney positions, lawyers are increasingly finding work in less traditional areas for which legal training is an asset, but not normally a requirement—for example, administrative, managerial, and business positions in banks, insurance firms, real estate companies, government agencies, and other organizations. Employment opportunities are expected to continue to arise in these organizations at a growing rate.
As in the past, some graduates may have to accept positions outside of their field of interest or for which they feel overqualified. Some recent law school graduates who have been unable to find permanent positions are turning to the growing number of temporary staffing firms that place attorneys in short-term jobs. This service allows companies to hire lawyers on an “as-needed” basis and permits beginning lawyers to develop practical skills.
Because of the keen competition for jobs, a law graduate’s geographic mobility and work experience assume greater importance. The willingness to relocate may be an advantage in getting a job, but to be licensed in another State, a lawyer may have to take an additional State bar examination. In addition, employers increasingly seek graduates who have advanced law degrees and experience in a specialty, such as tax, patent, or admiralty law.
Job opportunities often are adversely affected by cyclical swings in the economy. During recessions, demand declines for some discretionary legal services, such as planning estates, drafting wills, and handling real estate transactions. Also, corporations are less likely to litigate cases when declining sales and profits restrict their budgets. Some corporations and law firms will not hire new attorneys until business improves, and these establishments may even cut staff to contain costs. Several factors, however, mitigate the overall impact of recessions on lawyers; during recessions, for example, individuals and corporations face other legal problems, such as bankruptcies, foreclosures, and divorces requiring legal action.
For lawyers who wish to work independently, establishing a new practice will probably be easiest in small towns and expanding suburban areas. In such communities, competition from larger, established law firms is likely to be less than in big cities, and new lawyers may find it easier to establish a reputation among potential clients.
Projections Data | [About this section] | ![]() |
Occupational title | employment, 2016 | ||||||
Lawyers | |||||||
NOTE: Data in this table are rounded. See the discussion of the employment projections table in the Handbook introductory chapter on Occupational Information Included in the Handbook. |
Earnings | [About this section] | ![]() |
In May 2006, the median annual earnings of all wage-and-salaried lawyers were $102,470. The middle half of the occupation earned between $69,910 and $145,600. Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of lawyers in May 2006 were:
Management of companies and enterprises | $128,610 |
Federal Government | 119,240 |
Legal services | 108,100 |
Local government | 78,810 |
State government | 75,840 |
Salaries of experienced attorneys vary widely according to the type, size, and location of their employer. Lawyers who own their own practices usually earn less than those who are partners in law firms. Lawyers starting their own practice may need to work part time in other occupations to supplement their income until their practice is well established.
Median salaries of lawyers 9 months after graduation from law school in 2005 varied by type of work, as indicated in table 1.
Type of work | |
All graduates | $60,000 |
Private practice | 85,000 |
Business | 60,000 |
Government | 46,158 |
Academic/judicial clerkships | 45,000 |
Footnotes: |
Most salaried lawyers are provided health and life insurance, and contributions are made to retirement plans on their behalf. Lawyers who practice independently are covered only if they arrange and pay for such benefits themselves.
Label: Information
Lawyers held about 761,000 jobs in 2006. Approximately 27 percent of lawyers were self-employed, practicing either as partners in law firms or in solo practices. Most salaried lawyers held positions in government, in law firms or other corporations, or in nonprofit organizations. Most government-employed lawyers worked at the local level. In the Federal Government, lawyers worked for many different agencies but were concentrated in the Departments of Justice, Treasury, and Defense. Many salaried lawyers working outside of government were employed as house counsel by public utilities, banks, insurance companies, real estate agencies, manufacturing firms, and other business firms and nonprofit organizations. Some also had part-time independent practices, while others worked part time as lawyers and full time in another occupation.
A relatively small number of trained attorneys work in law schools, and are not included in the employment estimate for lawyers. Most are faculty members who specialize in one or more subjects; however, some serve as administrators. Others work full time in nonacademic settings and teach part time. (For additional information, see the Handbook section on teachers—postsecondary.)
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement
Formal requirements to become a lawyer usually include a 4-year college degree, 3 years of law school, and passing a written bar examination; however, some requirements may vary by State. Competition for admission to most law schools is intense. Federal courts and agencies set their own qualifications for those practicing before or in them.
Education and training. Becoming a lawyer usually takes 7 years of full-time study after high school—4 years of undergraduate study, followed by 3 years of law school. Law school applicants must have a bachelor’s degree to qualify for admission. To meet the needs of students who can attend only part time, a number of law schools have night or part-time divisions.
Although there is no recommended “prelaw” undergraduate major, prospective lawyers should develop proficiency in writing and speaking, reading, researching, analyzing, and thinking logically—skills needed to succeed both in law school and in the law. Regardless of major, a multidisciplinary background is recommended. Courses in English, foreign languages, public speaking, government, philosophy, history, economics, mathematics, and computer science, among others, are useful. Students interested in a particular aspect of law may find related courses helpful. For example, prospective patent lawyers need a strong background in engineering or science, and future tax lawyers must have extensive knowledge of accounting.
Acceptance by most law schools depends on the applicant’s ability to demonstrate an aptitude for the study of law, usually through undergraduate grades, the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), the quality of the applicant’s undergraduate school, any prior work experience, and sometimes, a personal interview. However, law schools vary in the weight they place on each of these and other factors.
All law schools approved by the American Bar Association require applicants to take the LSAT. As of 2006, there were 195 ABA-accredited law schools; others were approved by State authorities only. Nearly all law schools require applicants to have certified transcripts sent to the Law School Data Assembly Service, which then submits the applicants’ LSAT scores and their standardized records of college grades to the law schools of their choice. The Law School Admission Council administers both this service and the LSAT. Competition for admission to many law schools—especially the most prestigious ones—is usually intense, with the number of applicants greatly exceeding the number that can be admitted.
During the first year or year and a half of law school, students usually study core courses, such as constitutional law, contracts, property law, torts, civil procedure, and legal writing. In the remaining time, they may choose specialized courses in fields such as tax, labor, or corporate law. Law students often gain practical experience by participating in school-sponsored legal clinics; in the school’s moot court competitions, in which students conduct appellate arguments; in practice trials under the supervision of experienced lawyers and judges; and through research and writing on legal issues for the school’s law journals.
A number of law schools have clinical programs in which students gain legal experience through practice trials and projects under the supervision of lawyers and law school faculty. Law school clinical programs might include work in legal aid offices, for example, or on legislative committees. Part-time or summer clerkships in law firms, government agencies, and corporate legal departments also provide valuable experience. Such training can lead directly to a job after graduation and can help students decide what kind of practice best suits them. Law school graduates receive the degree of juris doctor (J.D.), a first professional degree.
Advanced law degrees may be desirable for those planning to specialize, research, or teach. Some law students pursue joint degree programs, which usually require an additional semester or year of study. Joint degree programs are offered in a number of areas, including business administration or public administration.
After graduation, lawyers must keep informed about legal and nonlegal developments that affect their practices. In 2006, 43 States and jurisdictions required lawyers to participate in mandatory continuing legal education. Many law schools and State and local bar associations provide continuing education courses that help lawyers stay abreast of recent developments. Some States allow continuing education credits to be obtained through participation in seminars on the Internet.
Licensure. To practice law in the courts of any State or other jurisdiction, a person must be licensed, or admitted to its bar, under rules established by the jurisdiction’s highest court. All States require that applicants for admission to the bar pass a written bar examination; most States also require applicants to pass a separate written ethics examination. Lawyers who have been admitted to the bar in one State occasionally may be admitted to the bar in another without taking another examination if they meet the latter jurisdiction’s standards of good moral character and a specified period of legal experience. In most cases, however, lawyers must pass the bar examination in each State in which they plan to practice. Federal courts and agencies set their own qualifications for those practicing before or in them.
To qualify for the bar examination in most States, an applicant must earn a college degree and graduate from a law school accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA) or the proper State authorities. ABA accreditation signifies that the law school, particularly its library and faculty, meets certain standards. With certain exceptions, graduates of schools not approved by the ABA are restricted to taking the bar examination and practicing in the State or other jurisdiction in which the school is located; most of these schools are in California.
Although there is no nationwide bar examination, 48 States, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands require the 6-hour Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) as part of their overall bar examination; the MBE is not required in Louisiana or Washington. The MBE covers a broad range of issues, and sometimes a locally prepared State bar examination is given in addition to it. The 3-hour Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) is used as part of the bar examination in several States. States vary in their use of MBE and MEE scores.
Many States also require Multistate Performance Testing to test the practical skills of beginning lawyers. Requirements vary by State, although the test usually is taken at the same time as the bar exam and is a one-time requirement.
In 2007, law school graduates in 52 jurisdictions were required to pass the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE), which tests their knowledge of the ABA codes on professional responsibility and judicial conduct. In some States, the MPRE may be taken during law school, usually after completing a course on legal ethics.
Other qualifications. The practice of law involves a great deal of responsibility. Individuals planning careers in law should like to work with people and be able to win the respect and confidence of their clients, associates, and the public. Perseverance, creativity, and reasoning ability also are essential to lawyers, who often analyze complex cases and handle new and unique legal problems.
Advancement. Most beginning lawyers start in salaried positions. Newly hired attorneys usually start as associates and work with more experienced lawyers or judges. After several years, some lawyers are admitted to partnership in their firm, which means they are partial owners of the firm, or go into practice for themselves. Some experienced lawyers are nominated or elected to judgeships. (See the section on judges, magistrates, and other judicial workers elsewhere in the Handbook.) Others become full-time law school faculty or administrators; a growing number of these lawyers have advanced degrees in other fields as well.
Some attorneys use their legal training in administrative or managerial positions in various departments of large corporations. A transfer from a corporation’s legal department to another department often is viewed as a way to gain administrative experience and rise in the ranks of management.
Label: InformationNature of the Work of lawyer
The legal system affects nearly every aspect of our society, from buying a home to crossing the street. Lawyers form the backbone of this system, linking it to society in numerous ways. They hold positions of great responsibility and are obligated to adhere to a strict code of ethics.
Lawyers, also called attorneys, act as both advocates and advisors in our society. As advocates, they represent one of the parties in criminal and civil trials by presenting evidence and arguing in court to support their client. As advisors, lawyers counsel their clients about their legal rights and obligations and suggest particular courses of action in business and personal matters. Whether acting as an advocate or an advisor, all attorneys research the intent of laws and judicial decisions and apply the law to the specific circumstances faced by their clients.
The more detailed aspects of a lawyer’s job depend upon his or her field of specialization and position. Although all lawyers are licensed to represent parties in court, some appear in court more frequently than others. Trial lawyers, who specialize in trial work, must be able to think quickly and speak with ease and authority. In addition, familiarity with courtroom rules and strategy is particularly important in trial work. Still, trial lawyers spend the majority of their time outside the courtroom, conducting research, interviewing clients and witnesses, and handling other details in preparation for a trial.
Lawyers may specialize in a number of areas, such as bankruptcy, probate, international, elder, or environmental law. Those specializing in environmental law, for example, may represent interest groups, waste disposal companies, or construction firms in their dealings with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other Federal and State agencies. These lawyers help clients prepare and file for licenses and applications for approval before certain activities may occur. Some lawyers specialize in the growing field of intellectual property, helping to protect clients’ claims to copyrights, artwork under contract, product designs, and computer programs. Other lawyers advise insurance companies about the legality of insurance transactions, guiding the company in writing insurance policies to conform to the law and to protect the companies from unwarranted claims. When claims are filed against insurance companies, these attorneys review the claims and represent the companies in court.
Most lawyers are in private practice, concentrating on criminal or civil law. In criminal law, lawyers represent individuals who have been charged with crimes and argue their cases in courts of law. Attorneys dealing with civil law assist clients with litigation, wills, trusts, contracts, mortgages, titles, and leases. Other lawyers handle only public-interest cases—civil or criminal—concentrating on particular causes and choosing cases that might have an impact on the way law is applied. Lawyers are sometimes employed full time by a single client. If the client is a corporation, the lawyer is known as “house counsel” and usually advises the company concerning legal issues related to its business activities. These issues might involve patents, government regulations, contracts with other companies, property interests, or collective bargaining agreements with unions.
A significant number of attorneys are employed at the various levels of government. Some work for State attorneys general, prosecutors, and public defenders in criminal courts. At the Federal level, attorneys investigate cases for the U.S. Department of Justice and other agencies. Government lawyers also help develop programs, draft and interpret laws and legislation, establish enforcement procedures, and argue civil and criminal cases on behalf of the government.
Other lawyers work for legal aid societies—private, nonprofit organizations established to serve disadvantaged people. These lawyers generally handle civil, rather than criminal, cases.
Lawyers increasingly use various forms of technology to perform more efficiently. Although all lawyers continue to use law libraries to prepare cases, most supplement conventional printed sources with computer sources, such as the Internet and legal databases. Software is used to search this legal literature automatically and to identify legal texts relevant to a specific case. In litigation involving many supporting documents, lawyers may use computers to organize and index material. Lawyers must be geographically mobile and able to reach their clients in a timely matter, so they might use electronic filing, web and videoconferencing, and voice-recognition technology to share information more effectively.
Work environment. Lawyers do most of their work in offices, law libraries, and courtrooms. They sometimes meet in clients’ homes or places of business and, when necessary, in hospitals or prisons. They may travel to attend meetings, gather evidence, and appear before courts, legislative bodies, and other authorities. They may also face particularly heavy pressure when a case is being tried. Preparation for court includes understanding the latest laws and judicial decisions.
Salaried lawyers usually have structured work schedules. Lawyers who are in private practice may work irregular hours while conducting research, conferring with clients, or preparing briefs during nonoffice hours. Lawyers often work long hours; of those who work full time, about 37 percent work 50 hours or more per week.
Label: opinion